
Golden Gate Marin Artists provides an annual $500 award
to a deserving Marin high school senior woman who plans
to further her art studies at either a two- or four-year college.

A five-member committee reviews applications in the spring and
selects the qualified and worthy winner.

For information, contact Judy Barnett, Student Art Award Chair at

Our awardees and the schools they represented
when selected:

2023    Phoebe Sothern - Terra Linda High and Eve Tatum - Archie Williams High

2022    Abigail O'Sullivan - San Marin High

2021    Daniela Morales Gramajo - San Marin High

2020    Amanda Maxson - Sir Francis Drake High

xxxxxx Jenna Yandle - Marin Catholic High - Catherine Atkinson 2020 Memorial Award

2019    Katarina Ament - The Branson School

2018    Courtney Sharps - Marin Catholic High

xxxxxx Sophie Levin - Novato High - Idell Weiss 2018 Memorial Award

2017    Danielle Kisseberth - Redwood High

xxxxxx Miranda Church - Tamalpais High

2016    Emily Villavicencio - San Rafael High

xxxxxx Jenna Tooley - San Marin High - Fran Urdang 2016 Memorial Award

2015    Alia Collins-Anderson-May - Marin Catholic High

2014    Isabella Jensen - Tamalpais High

xxxxxx Emma Goodwin - Sir Francis Drake High - Ruth McCarty 2014 Memorial Award

2013    Sophia Larsen - Sir Francis Drake High

2012    Elena Garcia - Sir Francis Drake High

2011    Della Thomson - Marin School of the Arts - Novato High

2010    Sarah Weitzman – Tamalpais High

2009    Devin Patrick – Tamalpais High

2008    Michelle Stanford – Marin School of Arts – Novato High

2007    Bridget Ore – Terra Linda High

2006    Micaela Eckhard – Marin School of Arts – Novato High

2005    Amber Connolly – College of Marin

2004    Meredith Henley – College of Marin

2003    Janet Ledezma – College of Marin

2002    Taylor Walsh – College of Marin

Golden Gate Marin Artists
Student Art Award

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