Golden Gate Marin Artists——15 award-winning
artists and poets working in a variety of styles and media produce
exciting and diverse exhibits. Our shows include oil and acrylic paintings,
chalk and oil pastels, watercolor, sculpture, photography, fiber art,
Our poets and artists:
ceramics, and poetry.
GGMA is a branch of the National League of American Pen
Women, a professional group of women writers, visual artists and composers,
organized in 1897 when women were refused admission into the (then) all-male
National Press Club. Our branch promotes the arts through
local exhibitions and an annual award given to a talented Marin high school senior who plans to pursue her art at
college level.
Joyce Andrade, Lucy Arnold, Judy Barnett,
Catherine Bohrman, Joan Booséy,
Fran Hall, Linda Larsen, Jane Liston,
Catherine Moreno, Anita Josette Nelson,
Debbie Patrick, Donna Solin,
Lucinda Watson,
Rita Wienk, and
Melissa Woodburn.
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